Baujahr 1985
(1985 model)
Beruf - Occupation:
Fahrer, Mechaniker, Spinnenjäger, Koch und Bustechniker
(driver, mechanic, spider hunter/killer, cook, in-car technician)
Qualifikationen - Qualifications:
Jahrelange Erfahrung mit alten Autos
(longstanding experience with old cars)
Interessen - Interests:
Das Leben genießen
(to enjoy life)
"Mach es fertig, bevor es dich fertig macht"
(cannot really be translated - something along the line of "finish it before it finishes you")
Baujahr 1988
(1988 model)
Beruf - Occupation:
Navigator, Wäscherin, Köchin, Managerin, Putzfau und Mädchen für Alles
(navigator, laundress, cook, manager, charwoman, general dogsbody)
Qualifikationen - Qualification:
Wenn ich navigiere, ist kein Höhenpass sicher
(if I plan the way, you definitely end up at the highest peaks of a pass)
Interessen - Interests:
Wenn ich nur wüßte, wo ich da anfangen soll...
(well, where to begin?)
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -- Mark Twain
(yeah, no translation needed)
Baujahr 1996
(1996 model)
Beruf - Occupation:
Lasttier, Schlafplatz, Rambo, Dach über dem Kopf
(beast of burden, sleeping place, Rambo, rooftop)
Qualifikationen - Qualifications:
Meine Bodenfreiheit spricht für sich selbst!
(my chassis clearance speaks for itself!)
Interessen - Interests:
Bevor ich sterbe, will ich die Welt erkunden
(before I die, I want to explore the world)
“Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by.” – Robert Frost
(same as with my buddy Regina's quote - no translation needed)